
What is OneAI?

Your gateway to instant provisioning of cutting-edge AI development & Production environments. Done in an easy manner with pre-configured tooling for use cases across the enterprise.

Why use OneAI?

Go to the One.AI app homepage, create a project withina few minutes, then add the services you need. Secure access will be granted for your project team with services ready to use

How do I get Access?

Within minutes, you and your team can work jointly and quickly in a streamlined & secure cloud environmentFrom data exploration to deploying machine learning models at scale


Success Stories

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Reusable Components

Main pieces to realize OneAI's
Reusable Components

The Assetization of Reusable Components can be achieved by treating components as Products

The Reusable Component's build process involves various steps from Component Selection to Serving


The heart of OneAI interface is a factory environment designed according to the user journeys of the Expert Data Scientists and to Citizen Data Scientists to have the exact set of tools and standards.

OneAI User Journey

OneAI's End-toEnd Journey is designed to address all pain points for user personas


Five Dimensions of Impact

OneAI Wins!

Users and use cases
~30 practices covering entire lifecycle adopted by use case teams
Global Availability
Supporting use cases across domains: Research, mRNA, GenMed Commercial, RWE, and Digital Data with ~300 users
Analytics development standards
Self provision, monitoring and cost management of resources. Guided deployment in production environment
User enablement and automation
Automated deployment and code quality checks available for mRNA, PME, DBI, and Turing use cases in Factory
Self Service functionality
Identical tech stack1 available globally, easing scalability and fostering collaboration



Users by Use Case - Active Users

Usage since inception

Our Professional Players


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Technical issues and help with OneAI:
Create an incident ticket with ServiceNow
and assign to: TS-GLOB-L2-ONEAIPOD group